Sunday, January 17, 2016

P a T t E r N s

Patterns are everywhere; in nature and in math. For us they are being created all over our classroom with our classroom materials.      Do you see the pattern?

Our pattern makers have chosen crayons, pencils, blocks, markers, paintbrushes, and expo markers to make their interesting patterns.            Love the colors choices!

Take a look at the children hard at work!

*After all the fun of making patterns, the final step is to document the design in the math journals*.

Math in Focus Common Core State Standards
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Model with mathematics.

Essential Question: What kinds of patterns can you make with familiar materials?

Once Upon A Time

there was a worksheet with a castle, a princess, and a frog.

This colorful worksheet inspired us to write our own fairly tales with characters that included a green frog and lovely princess. Some of us added characters while some of us changed the setting from the large colorful castle to a place that inspired the writer.
An inside look of a fairy tale
After days of writing....and rewriting.....and rereading.....and editing.....and illustrating....and title creating...and laminating....there was only one thing left to do.....
share our fairy tales in a large circle. And here we are........
Gianna mesmerizes us
Eva shares fireside
Prince Domenic reads aloud 
CC listens intently to Owen
Mara and Domenic hear CC's tale

And they all lived happily ever after
Essential Question: What are the elements of a fairy tale?

With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.